Monday, November 19, 2012

Social Timing

We all know how the intricacies of socialness can pose challenges for most individuals with autism.  I wanted to share with you a couple of blog posts that addresses the issue of social timing.  The blog site is , a comprehensive eMagazine that is the result of a marriage between two powerful blogs addressing “invisible” special needs.  In the summer of 2011, Danette and Tiffani partnered to create Special-Ism, a unique article marketing platform affording the professional with exposure opportunities, while providing solutions to the challenges faced by parents and caregivers of children with “invisible” special needs.

The specific blog posts I wanted to share with you today were written by a speech and language pathologist, Karen S Head, and  deal with the issue of social timing.  Part one addresses why social timing is difficult for individuals on the spectrum and provides one strategy to try.  Part two offers another strategy that incorporates a specific visual support system.  Book mark the site as each month Karen will be providing an additional strategy related to social timing.  You also will want to check out the other blog entries that are provided.  There's an organization structure to search within the site for specific topics and there's also a search engine for the site.  Try searching for Judy Endow, Madison's very own Autism self-advocate, as she has a regular posting on this blog site too.