Hi, just a quick note to say; I know everyone is super busy, but I just took a minute to start to listen to the iTunes U lecture series on Autism (honestly-I am multitasking and doing other things as well), that Michael talked about:
I am struck by how one small statement (e.g. 'Autism has been found in every country except for Antarctica") can get me wondering...
What have you wondered about lately? I encourage you to take a moment to read, listen, look at something you haven't before.
I'll leave you with this quote from an 40 something year old with Asperger's, who self-diagnosed himself about 5 years ago. He said "I was so relieved to know what was going on with me. I thought either there was something about me that most people didn't like, or just figured that I didn't fit into the world. I'm not saying I do...."