Thursday, December 5, 2013

Presume Competence


Some of the most difficult things we face in our field are those things which are intangible.
We live in a land of pre-requisites and accountability, which leaves little room for "The Least Dangerous Assumption" as pioneered by Anne Donnellan in 1984 and clarified by Rosetti and Tashie.

How DO we go about living the least dangerous assumption and giving the gifts that presumed competence creates? 

Check out this article with some awesome food for thought questions:

Educators Staying Positive in Trying Times

Lack of time, student progress pressure, lack of sleep, hectic days, interactions that challenge our patience...the list of stressors could go on and on and on....

 ....But we need to find ways to be happy in our day-to-day lives. We need to find ways to continue to support one another and to maintain our positivity.

During a hard day, what gives you reason to smile?

 Here's a link from Edutopia with suggestions to boost your positivity!