Sunday, September 21, 2014


Transition Planning for Students with Developmental Disabilities: We understand the importance and complexity of long-term transition planning for students with significant disabilities and the need for a coordinated set of activities to streamline the process. To support families and caregivers, MMSD has partnered with Dane County Human Services and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to create a series of informational meetings designed to assist in the transition from high school to the adult world.
  1. September 23: What Happens Next? An Overview of Long-Term Support for Adults with Developmental Disabilities 
  2. October 15: Building Community Connections 
  3. November 20: Customized Employment 
  4. January 27: Person-Centered Transition Planning
  5. February 23: Guardianship/Estate Planning 
5:45 – 8:00 pm; Community Ties Office, 122 East Olin, Suite 100, Madison, WI 53715 

Pizza provided RSVP Requested - 

For interpreter services, call 663-5976.