Jill Kuzma has done it again! She has added over 40 new YouTube links for social skills on her incrediby helpful site. I felt like this fact deserved a shout-out of its own.
Have you tried using YouTube with your students yet? I can not say how helpful it has been to me when working with teams that are looking for social skills assistance, video modeling examples (you can use them for your own students or for a jumping off point for your own creations), and beyond. Jill's list is fantastic and is a great example of the gems you can find on YouTube (and the web in general) when you dig a little bit.
I like to set about a half an hour aside each week to look for videos on YouTube that would be helpful for myself and the teams I'm working with currently. It helps me manage my time and keeps me feeling like adding this strategy is do-able and not so overwhelming. You can also use Google to help direct your searches in the right direction. Why recreate the wheel when it's already out there being shared?